Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tweeting My Way to Success

If you haven't embraced Twitter, go ahead.
You don't have to tweet everyday, but its great to make contacts with people around the world that you might not be able to reach on phone or email.
I currently have three Twitter accounts:

One is for my Green Jobs site, which posts daily jobs in the clean energy field.

My Twitter for Lockett Media is more business oriented and is strictly for my work in the social and media field, where I can interact with new media professionals and get new ideas for my profession.
My final Twitter account is solely for my love for pop culture, this one is aptly named Kevin Lockett. So if you enjoy breaking news in music, sports, TV and film that's the Tweet to follow.
You don't have to be me and have various accounts, but having one account is better than having none at all. (green job tweets) (pop culture tweets) (social media tweets)

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